Theme: "People helping people"
About the art…three things ~
#1: When first experiencing Bethel, I was thunderstruck by its extraordinary natural beauty…the big sky, the mountains and hills, the endless tones of spring and summer greens in the forests and fields, the additional array of colors throughout fall and winter, the rivers and ponds...and its people. For me, it was truly awesome then, and now 40 years later, I am beyond thankful to say those feelings remain! So, when asked to create an image for Molly Ockett Day 2018, my first thought was to try and simplify some of those feelings into a sort of stained glass-type visual.
#2: My second thought was to include a statement I heard during the first Molly Ockett Day meeting held late last summer when the Bethel Area Chamber of Commerce made a strong effort to encourage more community involvement in offering ideas and help that might benefit the annual event. We were discussing its various changes throughout the years – since its 1950s origin as Bethel Bazaar with its purpose of raising funds to help those in need – to the eventual name change to Molly Ockett Day and the transitions that have been seen throughout time. In talking about what the day means to some people now, such as “special time with friends and family,” and future goals of finding more ways of nurturing a community “feel,” while also still being able to pay tribute to Molly Ockett herself, I heard Mandy Berry simply say, “People helping people.” I LOVED that thought…what great inspiration for…everything! And what better way to pay tribute to a legendary local healer than to encourage kindness and help whenever we can. So, of course I was compelled to utilize her words as part of the image. Thanks, Mandy!
#3: With all that in mind, the image evolved...sky, mountains, simple offering hands, fields, water, subtle cooperation with mirroring lines, all working together…something to strive for…people helping people. As for the birch letters and border? Besides my attraction to birch trees in general, birches offer many medicinal properties!
Happy Molly Ockett Day 2018!
Jewel Clark