Arts & Crafts Vendor - Main Street space
per item
By purchasing this item, you agree to the following Waiver of Liability: In consideration of the acceptance of this application, the exhibitor agrees that any and all items shall be displayed at the sole risk of said exhibitor, and said exhibitor shall be responsible for his or her activities and those of his or her agents or employees, and shall hold the Bethel Area Chamber of Commerce & Town of Bethel harmless from any and all claims for damages or injuries to persons or properties which may arise at MollyOckett Days, July 18, 2015. Said exhibitor also agrees to remain set up for the duration of the fair unless weather conditions warrant early departure.
- Spaces are 10’ deep x 20’ wide. Allow at least 2’ of clearance between you and other vendors and keep driveways and intersections clear.
- Tents, tables, and chairs are NOT provided.
- Vendors must staff their booths from 9 am – 4 pm on Main Street.
- Saturday morning set-up only. Street will be closed to outside traffic from 6:00 am – 5:00 pm. Must be set up by 8:45 am and packed up in time for traffic to resume at 5 p.m.
- Location or designated boundaries of any booth space may not be changed.
- $10 fee for all cancellations. No refunds after June 1. No refunds in event of inclement weather.
- Exhibitors must sell his/her products only. Original designs preferred.
- Be prepared to secure/weight your tent to pavement.
By purchasing this item, you agree to the following Waiver of Liability: In consideration of the acceptance of this application, the exhibitor agrees that any and all items shall be displayed at the sole risk of said exhibitor, and said exhibitor shall be responsible for his or her activities and those of his or her agents or employees, and shall hold the Bethel Area Chamber of Commerce & Town of Bethel harmless from any and all claims for damages or injuries to persons or properties which may arise at MollyOckett Days, July 18, 2015. Said exhibitor also agrees to remain set up for the duration of the fair unless weather conditions warrant early departure.